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corporate tax

In our recent article: Current & Updated Deadlines for IRS Forms, we informed U.S. taxpayers about the new deadline for certain U.S. tax forms, which will apply to the 2016 tax year (due in 2017). Why You Should Start Planning Now The changes affect many U.S. tax forms for which the deadline has been pushed...

In the recent years, every country has been passing stringent laws to monitor foreign investments by their country’s citizens/taxpayers to prevent tax evasion through foreign investments. The Canadian government introduced Form T1135 a few years ago to prevent Canadian taxpayers from evading taxes, and since then, Canada Revenue Agency has been in a continuous process...

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) was enacted by the United States (U.S.) Congress in March 2010 to prevent U.S. persons/taxpayers from evading taxes by using foreign accounts. Under FATCA regulation individuals are required to provide full details of their foreign accounts/investments, but now even foreign financial institutions (FFIs) are required to provide  details...

If a U.S. company that is 25% or more owned by foreign person(s), which includes (but is not limited to) individual(s) or corporation(s), has reportable transactions with related parties, form 5472 (Information Return of a 25% Foreign-owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business) may be required to be...

ABOUTAylett Grant Tax, LLP
With offices across Canada, we are positioned to manage and process the full scope of your Canadian, US and US Canada cross-border tax filing needs.
+1 (888) 502-1810
409 – 15400 Croydon Dr Surrey BC V3Z 1K1
+1 (888) 502-1810
104–4220 98 St NW Edmonton AB, T6E 6A1
With offices across Canada, we are positioned to manage and process the full scope of your Canadian, US and US Canada cross-border tax filing needs.
12752 28th Ave, Surrey, BC, V4A 2P4
104–4220 98 St NW Edmonton AB, T6E 6A1

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